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bellflower Meaning Thinking of You
bellflower Images
Bellflower its name from their bell-shaped flowers. The leaves are alternate and often vary in shape on a single plant, with larger, broader leaves at the base of the stem and smaller, narrower leaves higher up; the leaf margin may be either entire or serrated. Bellflower is Thinking of you


Magnolia Plants Wallpaper
Magnolia Love of Nature
Magnolia is a large genus of flowering plant species in the subfamily Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae. Magnolia is Love of nature.


Lilac Top Plants
Lilac Meaning First Love
Lilac species of flowering woody plants in the olive family. They are small trees. Lilacs are often considered to symbolize love or First Love


grace and elegance
Jasmine Grace and Elegance
Jasmine Flowers Images
Jasmine is a genus of shrubs and vines in the olive family. They are white or yellow in color, although in rare instances they can be slightly reddish. The flowers are borne in cymose clusters with a minimum of three flowers, though they can also be solitary on the ends of branchlets. Jasmine is a meaning of Grace and Elegance


Hibiscus Flowering Plants
Hibiscus Delicate Beauty
Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants. The flowers are large, conspicuous, trumpet-shaped, with five or more petals, color from white to pink, red, orange, purple or yellow. This flower is also often referred to Delicate Beauty.


Gladiolus Flowering Plants
Gladiolus the Strength of Character
Gladiolus is a genus of perennial bulbous flowering plants in the iris family. Gladioli have been extensively hybridized and a wide range of ornamental flower colours are available from the many varieties. Gladiolus the Meaning of the Strength of Character


Gardenia the Joy Plants
Gardenia Photo Flowers
Gardenia flowering plants in the coffee family. Gardenia plants are prized for the strong sweet scent of their flowers, which can be very large in size in some species.This flower is also often referred to as Joy


Cosmos Species of Plants
Cosmos the Peaceful Flowers
Cosmos is perennial plants in the family Asteraceae. flower color is very variable between the different species. The genus includes several ornamental plants popular in gardens. This flower is also often denoted as a symbol of peaceful


graciousness the Graciousness
graciousness Flowers Wallpaper
Camellia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Theaceae. They are found in eastern and southern Asia, from the Himalayas east to Japan and Indonesia. Camellia flowers throughout the genus are characterized by a dense bouquet of conspicuous yellow stamens, often contrasting with the petal colors The so-called "fruit" of camellia plants is a dry capsule, sometimes subdivided in up to five compartments, each compartment containing up to eight seeds.Camelia meaning of graciousness


azalea Flowering
azalea the Abundance
Azalea are flowering shrubs comprising two of the eight subgenera of the genus. Azaleas bloom in spring in the Northern hemisphere and in winter in the Southern hemisphere, their flowers often lasting several weeks. Shade tolerant, they prefer living near or under trees. Azaleas differ from rhododendrons in being generally smaller and having one blossom per stem rather than blossom clusters. They have more seeds in the fruit. Azalea the meaning of abundance.


Aster Flowering Plants
Aster the Contentment
Aster is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae. The name Aster comes from the Ancient Greek meaning "star", referring to the shape of the flower head. Many species and a variety of hybrids and varieties are popular as garden plants because of their attractive and colourful flowers. Aster flowers are also many interpreted as contentment


Amaryllis Dramatic Flower
Amaryllis Flowers Photo
Amaryllis is a small genus of flowering bulbs, with two species. This plant can live all year round and have bulbs or tubers and flowers usually are distinctive shape. This interest rate is often interpreted as a Dramatic


Alstroemeria Flowers Picture
Alstroemeria Plant Wallpaper
Alstroemeria called the Peruvian lily or lily of the Incas of flowering plants. The plants are distinctive vegetatively, with a rootstock consisting of a slender rhizome or group of rhizomes. Alstroemeria flowers are also called aspiring